Mason City Schools experiential learning program is a personalized pathway of authentic career experiences in collaboration with local employers and business professionals. Through this program, Mason City Schools students have the opportunity to explore and expand career interests.
There are 5 Ways that employers can connect with Mason City Schools students.
Level 1 is as a guest speaker. Businesses can share with students the variety of opportunities available within your industry or organization.
Level 2 is a job site visit. Here, businesses expose groups of students to the work environment and opportunities available within your organization.
Level 3 is job shadowing. This calls for professionals to provide one-on-one experiences for students to see the “day in the life” of a specific role.
Level 4 is a project partnership. With level four, a business will provide groups of students with a problem to work through and create an end-result solution.
Level 5 places students in an internship. The internship can be paid or unpaid, and prepares students for their future through meaningful work experiences.
“This program is a win for students - who gain valuable experience that helps them determine their future path - and a win for our local businesses - who get to tap into the talents of our bright students. We can only imagine what these pathways and talent pipelines will mean for our community in the years ahead,” explains Superintendent Jonathan Cooper.